I Am
By Ruth Calder Murphy (Arciemme)

Aria - the Song of Everything By Ruth Calder Murphy (Arciemme)
I’m the whisper of the wind in the Autumn trees,
I’m the lone blackbird singing before dawn,
I’m the exhilaration at the top of mountains
and the tranquility of meadows in Summer.
I’m the depths of oceans
and the heights of stars,
the brilliance of sunbeams
and the totality of midnight dark.
I’m the voice of Mother, the embrace of Sister,
the smile of Father, the companionship of Brother.
I’m music and moonshine, colour and shadow
and the caress of the seasons slipping by.
I’m mystery.
I’m the flame beneath the phoenix and the wings
of the new-born butterfly;
I’m the question and the answer - the where and how and why.
I’m in the eyes of strangers and the touch of a friend.
I’m living and dying,
beginning and end.